Kardiolita Hospital News

Free of charge treatment with HSE reimbursement

Free of charge treatment with HSE reimbursement

For insured people in Ireland, who are entitled to free treatment in Ireland, the HSE reimburses planned treatment services, that patients would receive free of charge in Ireland, but waiting times are unacceptably long and treatment is urgently needed.

Why is it worth choosing Kardiolita Hospital when looking for treatment in Lithuania?

  • Kardiolita Hospital - is a private network of clinics recognized in Lithuania. Kardiolita Hospital has more than 30 treatment centers and works in 45 medical fields;
  • Kardiolita Hospital employs one of the best doctors in Lithuania - recognized specialists in their field;
  • Organize treatment quickly and efficiently, patients do not have to wait in long queues;
  • While getting treated in Lithuania, you will not have any stress due to the language barrier, will be able to focus on improving your health.

What is reimbursed by the HSE?

HSE reimburses inpatient treatments for which patients living in Ireland have a referral from an Irish doctor.

What do you need in order to receive HSE funding for treatment in Lithuania?

In order to receive HSE funding, it is necessary to submit these documents and meet these requirements:

  • A medical extract on the treatment required, i. e. a referral of a doctor. It must be issued by a general practitioner (GP) or a specialist doctor working in Ireland;
  • Provide documents proving permanent residence in Ireland (public utility account, a bank extract with your name and address of residence);
  • To have the HSE number;
  • Be registered with a GP (General Practitioner);
  • Fill in the required forms and submit them to HSE, along with the doctor‘s referral and documents proving the status of permanent resident of Ireland – at this stage we will help you to arrange the necessary documentation.

How does it work?

Customers achieving to obtain HSE financing for the required service, must first complete the necessary forms together with the accompanying documents to submit to HSE and wait for pre-authorization.

HSE provides a written response within 15-20 business days.

After receiving HSE confirmation, that the required treatment will be reimbursed, the patient can come to Kardiolita Hospital for the planned treatment, patient pays himself.

After treatment Kardiolita Hospital provides the patient with all the necessary documents that the patient will have to submit to HSE in order to reimburse the amount spent on treatment in Lithuania.

Important to know

HSE does not reimburse:

  • Translation services;
  • Accommodation costs, excluding treatment time in hospital;
  • Travel expenses and insurance;
  • Beauty procedures, vision correction surgeries;
  • Veins‘ varicose surgeries (except serious cases);

Procedures, which are not standard in Irish territory and which a person insured in Ireland will not receive free of charge in Irish hospitals.